- Once logged in, the alert app has various settings and customization to suit your needs. If the Alert application is running but minimized or hidden, it is accessible from your computer's system tray near the clock. It will show as a message bubble (as seen in the second screenshot below) You can click or right-click on at any time to bring up this settings menu:
- You can customize which alerts display on your screen by checking or un-checking the "Alerts to Display" boxes. The "Unread Count" box will show indefinitely until you either close it down, un-check the box here, or mark all messages as read in InText. "Notifications" will appear every time you receive an incoming message, and will reflect the sender's name and the message itself.
- In certain configurations of InText, you may also receive "Custom" messages. Custom messages often include information such as a count of un-sent queued messages and other statistics relevant to your line of work.
- If a "Notification" alert is an incoming message from a customer or employee, you can click on it's message to reply to it inline.