To send an estimate, follow these steps:

1) Click on a conversation

2) From the Conversation Menu drop-down, select "Send Estimate"

3) An Estimate window will appear for you to fill out

4) On the left there are two boxes related to customer and vehicle information. The estimate window will make an attempt to populate these boxes with what information is readily available. In some cases it may be necessary for you to fill in basic details.

5) There is also an area to attach media to be sent with your estimate

6) Below the media attachment area are two boxes, one for a "Quick Estimate" and one for a "Detailed Estimate." Detailed estimates allow you to display the cost of individual components of an estimate as well as things like sales tax and sub-totals.

7) Add a description of the estimate and the associated cost (making sure to include sales tax). If this is a detailed estimate, fill in each field as needed.

8) Click "Apply and Send" to finish. A shortened URL that forwards to the estimate will be sent to the selected recipient.

Estimate Preview